Take Back Your Power from Family Betrayal


Now you’re back in the driver’s seat of your life, you’re taking your power back. From here, you can safely and assuredly do what you need to do to confidently set the boundaries to protect you from the family member who stabbed you in the back.

It’s up to you.

You can still maintain a relationship with a family member who has betrayed you, just remember this:

Do Not Retaliate.

If you do, that just makes you sink to their level, and it’s an indication to them that they won.

If they can get you to react, they win.

It proves they have control.

Don’t give them the satisfaction.

Instead, bless them.

I use Hoʻoponopono.

You can place your hand over your heart and say (with your inside voice, but it can be interesting when you try it with your outside voice) these words:





These releases both them from you, and you from them, without any judgment.

Do not respond. Just let it be. Change the subject, or walk away.

No defense. No guilt. No accusation. No shame. Only love.

If they keep hounding you, you are under no obligation to put up with that.


They may be family, but you already know you can’t trust ‘em as far as you can throw ‘em. So love ‘em but keep yourself at a safe distance.

After a while, they may come back and want to ask forgiveness and reconcile with you.

You’re still loving them, but you don’t have to trust them.

If you choose to, you can allow them to prove their trustworthiness, little by little, over time.

You can forgive them, but you’re no fool.

You learn from their past transgressions.

You don’t judge them for it, because who knows what was going on in their life when they betrayed you. Life changes. People and circumstances change. You are highly adaptive, and you are not accusatory because that’s beneath you.

You are cautiously aware.

God bless you for getting free and taking your power back.

If you’d like to take more steps to get complete control of your life, you can check in with any of my friends at St Paul’s Free University, or if you think you’re being called to help others who have been betrayed by family, you can get ahold of any of us here today, and we can help you help others who are walking in those very same shoes.

Or you can contact me. I’m David M Masters, and you can find me at davidmmasters.com



One thought on “Take Back Your Power from Family Betrayal”

  1. Wonderful! I have disconnected with the ongoing betrayal and will practice tap cross therapy.

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